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Augmenting external JSX libraries

typed-htmx is extremely minimal and requires the user to manually augment external JSX libraries that provide their own types.

Common guidance

  • Create a types.d.ts (any name is fine, as long as it ends in .d.ts) at the top of your src/ folder, or anywhere within the configured include of your tsconfig.json
  • Write a JSX element, e.g. <div />, and inspect its type
  • If you see React-related types, you are good to go
  • If not, try to discover the common namespace under which all HTML attributes go.

Let's use Hono as an example.

// In tsconfig.json, jsxImportSource = "hono/jsx"
// The type we are augmenting in this case is `Hono.HTMLAttributes`.
// hx-boost is not recognized as a proper attribute yet.
<div hx-boost="bogus" />
(property) Hono.IntrinsicElements.div: Hono.HTMLAttributes
// In tsconfig.json, jsxImportSource = "hono/jsx"
// The type we are augmenting in this case is `Hono.HTMLAttributes`.
// hx-boost is not recognized as a proper attribute yet.
<div hx-boost="bogus" />
(property) Hono.IntrinsicElements.div: Hono.HTMLAttributes

With this knowledge, we can now augment the type of Hono.HTMLAttributes assuming it is an interface:

/// <reference types="typed-htmx" />
declare global {
namespace Hono {
interface HTMLAttributes extends HtmxAttributes {}
<div hx-boost="bogus"
Type '{ "hx-boost": "bogus"; style: {}; }' is not assignable to type 'HTMLAttributes'. Types of property '["hx-boost"]' are incompatible. Type '"bogus"' is not assignable to type 'BoolStr | undefined'.2322Type '{ "hx-boost": "bogus"; style: {}; }' is not assignable to type 'HTMLAttributes'. Types of property '["hx-boost"]' are incompatible. Type '"bogus"' is not assignable to type 'BoolStr | undefined'.
/// <reference types="typed-htmx" />
declare global {
namespace Hono {
interface HTMLAttributes extends HtmxAttributes {}
<div hx-boost="bogus"
Type '{ "hx-boost": "bogus"; style: {}; }' is not assignable to type 'HTMLAttributes'. Types of property '["hx-boost"]' are incompatible. Type '"bogus"' is not assignable to type 'BoolStr | undefined'.2322Type '{ "hx-boost": "bogus"; style: {}; }' is not assignable to type 'HTMLAttributes'. Types of property '["hx-boost"]' are incompatible. Type '"bogus"' is not assignable to type 'BoolStr | undefined'.


import 'typed-htmx';
declare global {
namespace Hono {
interface HTMLAttributes extends HtmxAttributes {}
import 'typed-htmx';
declare global {
namespace Hono {
interface HTMLAttributes extends HtmxAttributes {}


import 'typed-htmx';
declare global {
namespace astroHTML.JSX {
interface IntrinsicAttributes extends HtmxAttributes {}
import 'typed-htmx';
declare global {
namespace astroHTML.JSX {
interface IntrinsicAttributes extends HtmxAttributes {}